Tongues 5 is Done

So if you made it to the end of that video you’ll see the finished cover to Tongues #5 (I’ll also attach a still image below. But… please disregard the words “Out Now” on that billboard. Tongues’ fifth chapter is finished, printed and currently on the way to the studio, to ship later this spring, and is therefore available for pre-orders, but it’s not, technically out, just yet.

The packed, 56-page issue is bookended by an extended, contentious, three-part conversation between the Prisoner and a certain Unexpected Visitor about the fate of the world. Their talk takes us back into the ancient past and then ends unexpectedly, altering both parties' prospects and the course of the story generally. In between, we go underground with Astrid, witnessing an encounter with an adversary, and Teddy Roosevelt and Nico have a rendezvous in the desert that ends… badly. A few other small beginnings and endings are tucked in as well, one of which takes us to distant corners of the earth. We can't say much more than that without spoiling things. But I’m really excited about this one.

Since I’ve turned in the files, I’ve been working on scripting and thumbnails for the whole rest of the story. Usually I work on just one issue at a time – 48 or 56 pages of color comics is plenty to deal with – but I’m getting closer to the end of the story and it’s becoming clear that I need to try and figure out as accurately as I can just how many more pages, and therefore how many more months (okay, years) this thing is going to take. I’m still tentatively projecting eight issues, but… That could change. I’ve always been pretty lousy at projecting these things, but I’m attempting to adapt.

Please go order your copy, or, better yet, subscribe, and help me take a chunk out of that printing bill. Part of the reason I’m serializing the book myself in individual issues is in order to be able to do everything exactly how I want it. But… this $#*% is expensive. If you’ve liked this thing so far, or been into my other work, well, as far as I’m concerned Tongues is what my 20+ year career has been leading up to… so I daresay you’ll like this, too.

Here’s that finished cover again:

Anders NilsenTongues